RBA Web Site Brief RBA is a State College, PA based company who specializes in long term IT strategy, managing IT purchases, network, maintenance, implementing IT departments, and software solutions that are practical and efficient for small and large businesses. Web Design Services [...]
Centre Region Pet Care
Admin2019-10-11T12:49:22-04:00Centre Region Pet Care Web Site, Branding & Photography Brief Centre Region Pet Care is a boutique in-home companion animal care service developed by Nicole Zembower. Nicole has put her passion for animals together with her decades of experience as a care provider and keen mind for [...]
Good Day Cafe Web Site
Lisa Cohen2018-12-21T15:46:15-05:00Good Day Cafe Web Site & e-Commerce Design Brief Strawberry Fields developed the Good Day Café coffee shop in response to the up to 80% unemployment rate for people with intellectual disabilities and mental health diagnoses. The Artemis Group designed the web site and e-commerce store to showcase the Good Day [...]
Gemini Auto Repair
Lisa Cohen2018-11-11T11:14:40-05:00Gemini Web Site Design Brief A valued client since 2002, Gemini is THE PLACE to go to have your treasured car maintained and running smoothly! Web Design Services Content Marketing Let's Chat! WE'RE [...]
Admin2017-08-12T16:49:47-04:00Photography Brief “Not everybody trusts paintings but people believe photographs.” ― Ansel Adams Photography is an often overlooked aspect of web design. Web design is ultimately about communication and trust - presenting yourself, your ideas, your business - in a fashion that conveys authenticity and credibility. Photography plays [...]